There is no peace between Nokia and Apple which are fighting again for Patents.

Legendary fight that seems to continue.

Back in 2009 and 2011 Nokia and Apple fought with each-others for the same reason, patents and now the same things are happening.

This end of year there still has no peace between companies. Nokia charges Apple in Europe, exactly in Germany and Apple in United States for stealing for trespassing its own patents in some of the Apple Product. The information is officially announced by the Nokia Corporation Stock Exchange Release Espoo, Finland.

Ilkka Rahnasto, head of Patent Business at Nokia, said: "Through our sustained investment in research and development, Nokia has created or contributed to many of the fundamental technologies used in today's mobile devices, including Apple products. After several years of negotiations trying to reach agreement to cover Apple's use of these patents, we are now taking action to defend our rights."

Clearly, Nokia directly prosecute Apple for stealing patents. Technically speaking there are 32 patents that Nokia says that are stolen by Apple like display, user interface, software, antenna, chipsets and video coding which are used in Apple’s products.

Nokia says that the full info has been given to respective courts in Germany and Texas and is followed by the respective courts.
