LG Smart Refrigerator

Recently the giant of hardware LG is developing an idea of building a smart refrigerator that will be powered by latest of MICROSOFT, WINDOWS 10.

This refrigerator will have a large screen that will be placed in the door of the fridge. The screen is 268 cm height and has a width of 58, like a normal fridge.

The giant screen will be powered with the powerful processor by Intel Atom.

The main feature of the glass is that you can see what is inside the smart fridge without opening the door to see what it is inside.

You can use the tablet as a navigation tool on the Internet every day, looking for recipes, to view videos or movies on YouTube while you eat dinner, read the news or just to wake up in the morning.

The project is still in its testing phase and LG has not yet given a date on its market launch.

If this thing becomes real, then the last thing to make the kitchen smart is creating a smart table to eat and watch movies.
