Chrome for Windows is now 15% faster.

Chrome is a browser very useful due to its integration with Google apps and services, and if there were any criticism for it, has been the starting time can sometimes be a little slow.
However, given the number of functions and features of the browser it is believed that this is understandable. The good news is that Google has made some improvements by taking advantage of Microsoft guides, and according to the company, they claim that the browser is already up to 15% faster on Windows.They also claim that the departure time is now 16.8% faster, and that the "tabs" of new 14.8% faster compared with previous versions of the application. Of course, these speed improvements are not necessarily obvious to everyone, considering that a 15% increase load time of 1-2 seconds is not exactly a great speed.However if you have a particularly fast computer then maybe change can be clear. Chrome using PGO was available for 64-bit version of the app from the Chrome 53, but now comes in 32-bit version of Chrome 54.
