Super safe application for message communication SIGNAL now available in Desktop.

Super safe application for message communication, the favorite of Edward Snowden and many other security analysts already offered in desktop.
Signal, the application made by the same organization that contributed to WhatsApp and other services, now has a dedicated desktop version of its iPhone users. To use it must be connected to the mobile version of the application, and it is thought that will make it easier to use its many users.
FOUNDATIONAL open program, launched for the first time a desktop application for Android users last year and brought its beta version to iOS this spring. While the latest update allows it to be used for all iPhone users.
To get the new version, users need to download the Chrome existent and connect it with the mobile version by scanning the QR code (in a manner like WhatsApp for desktop use).

Snowden has also been a major supporter of Signal, after we saw that with the new messaging application Google, Allo, he is not afraid to criticize the applications that do not meet his standards.
