Microsoft Studio gets higher orders than expected.

Microsoft Studio Surface PC discovered in an event held in October, and the device went on sale in the last days of last month. Studio Surface is Microsoft's answer to the Apple iMac, which brings higher specifications in the form of all in-one.

The device has a touch screen size 28 inches with a resolution of 4,500 × 3,000 pixels, Skylake Intel processor, 32 MB RAM memory, 2TB hard drive and graphics card with Nvidia GeForce 980 GPU.

With these features, it can be expected that the device cost and it is. Surface Studio starts with a price of 2,999 dollars and based on specific configurations, the price can go up to 4,199 dollars. Thus, it cannot be expected to reach sales outlets in millions.

However, a report coming from Taiwan reports that Microsoft has managed to sell twice as many PC Surface Studio than expected. Sales initially planned for the fourth quarter of 2016 were 15,000 units, while real demand has led to 30,000 units.

So, Microsoft has requested production of 30,000 new units of production partners and expects these devices to sell in the first quarter of next year.
